Well so much for updating every day - so here's my shot at once a week! The tapestry is coming along nicely. It's going a little faster than I anticipated, but I'm much too nervous about my time limitation to think I may be 'ahead.' Here's how far I got after the Holiday weekend and a close-up of the bottom left corner. I didn't have any tapestry bobbins (and the ones I ordered won't be in for another week). I HATE working with yarn butterflies, so what to do.... Out of curiosity, I dug out my knitting yarn bobbins. They work beautifully, and they're CHEAP! When the tapestry bobbins finally come in, I'm curious to see if I like them as much. New Yummy Yarns!!! Trips to the yarn store are dangerous! Some of these are being worked into the tapestry.