I'm happy to be part of the Lexington Art League's PRBHTN 2023 show. I have two pieces in the show. Amanda K. Bridges, "The Magnificent Yoni Madonna", (c) 2023 A dedication the divine feminine and power of creation. Woman, as a vessel, creates life. Woman is not a vessel for man. The Yoni Madonna takes back ownership of herself and transforms the message of Madonna from that of being in service of man that of being the creator of humankind. Amanda K. Bridges, "ode to a whore: the 17 names of Lilith", (c) 2022 A dedication to the much maligned goddess Lilith. Lilith refused to give up her power and submit to the will of man. She fully owned her sexual energy and channeled her power into herself rather than letting it be taken from her. Instead of glorification, she has been vilified throughout history. called a whore, a succubus, an evil temptress, she has been used to represent man's interpretation of "original sin." Both of these pieces are...