Amanda K. Bridges, "ode to a whore: the 17 names of Lilith", (c) 2022
Lilith has been much maligned throughout history for refusing to bend to the will of man. Lilith, as a goddess, has dominion over all aspects surrounding sex, fertility and childbirth. She is a wind spirit and cannot be restrained. She lives free and unfettered. She lives her life on her terms.
Throughout the centuries, female divinity and power, rather than being celebrated, has been demonized and strangled by the hands of misogyny. Lilith rises up to say no. She refuses to be silenced or restrained and promises retribution if you do not respect her.
In the demon-lore of Lilith, she is the Queen of Demons and often depicted as a succubus. It is said that if you can speak one of her names she cannot harm you.
If you do a google search on the 17 names of Lilith, you'll find many lists, some with less than 17, some with more, and most with differing names. The list below is my best guess based on commonality I saw via research. The seventeen names of Lilith are:
- Abeko
- Abito
- Amizo
- Batna
- Eilo
- Ita
- Izorpo
- Kali
- Kea
- Kokos
- Lilith
- Odam
- Partasah
- Patrota
- Podo
- Satrina
- Talto